COVID-19 Reopening Guidelines

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Below are some of the guidelines we are asking you to abide by to keep our congregation safe.

[1Pe 2:13-17 NIV] 13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15 For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.

  • The guidelines below come from the Guidance for places of worship set forth by the State of California on their website. To date, we have not had any reported COVID19 cases in our congregation and  we are adhering to these guidelines help keep it that way.
  • Please self-screen at home, including temperature and/or symptom checks using CDC guidelines. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 as described by the CDC, such as a frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, or if someone you live with have been diagnosed with COVID-19, please stay home.
  • Please bring your own pens, bibles, books and personal items needed for service and refrain from sharing with individuals outside your household.
  • Please bring your own water bottle/container to church because we will have to temporarily remove the water dispenser from the entry way.
  • We will post signage in highly-visible locations to remind members/visitors to use face coverings and practice physical distancing whenever possible. Per CDC guidelines, Babies and children under age two should not wear face coverings due to suffocation hazards.
  • Please put on your face covering before coming up the church walkway and use the hand sanitizer provided at the church entrance. At some point, when available, we will be able to do temperature screening.
  • Ushers/volunteers will help members/visitors maintain distances during the service, please follow their directions.
  • We will need volunteers to help with ushering, cleaning & disinfecting areas during and after services.
  • We have installed hand sanitizer dispensers near the front door and if we have enough, near the bathrooms. We also installed touch free soap dispensers in the bathrooms.
  • We will mark walking paths between designated sitting spaces, please follow the usher/volunteer instructions for entering and exiting the church. 
  • We will reconfigure podiums and the sanctuary pews to allow for at least six feet between people. Areas will be taped where members/visitors can sit.
  • We will prop or hold doors open during peak periods when members/visitors are entering and exiting facilities, if possible and in accordance with security and safety protocols.
  • Weather permitting, we will open the doors/windows during service to let in fresh air.
  • We will temporarily shorten services to limit the length of time members/visitors spend in the church.
  • During our multi-staged reopening we will temporarily discontinue singing, group recitation, and other practices and performances until we can modify pulpit areas for six feet distancing.
  • We will continue to hold meetings/services outside of Sunday services via telephone, Zoom and Facebook. 
  • Please make sure your children remain in the care of those in their household unit during services/meetings.
  • Please physically distance yourself from others outside of your household, avoid touching surfaces, and to leave the facility if you do not feel well. 
  • Please wear a face covering at all times during the service, especially when physical distance of at least six feet is not possible. If you do not have one, we will provide you with a washable or single use mask.
  • Please stagger visits to the restrooms so that one person or family is in there at a time. 
  • Please refrain from engaging in handshakes, hugs, and similar greetings that break physical distance with individuals outside your household. Please wave, nod, smile or use other greetings. 
  • Please give your tithes/offering via If you prefer to give in person, we will collect tithes/offering as you leave at the end of service to maintain physical distancing.
  • We will open secondary doors at the end of services/meetings to eliminate crowded departures.
  • Please do not congregate directly outside the doors while members/visitors are entering or exiting the building.
  • We will disinfect microphones and stands, music stands, instruments and other items on pulpits and podiums between each use.
  • We will NOT require you to attend large church services/meetings that will break current social distancing guidelines.

You can view more information on our COVID-19 RESOURCES page.